This function wraps functions from the careless
to help inspect and diagnose careless participants. It is
optimized for using in R Markdown files.
items = names(data),
nFlags = 1,
flagUnivar = 0.99,
flagMultivar = 0.95,
irvSplit = 4,
headingLevel = 3,
datasetName = NULL,
responseTime = NULL,
headingSuffix = " {.tabset}",
digits = 2,
missingSymbol = "Missing"
The dataframe.
The items to look at.
How many indicators need to be flagged for a participant to be considered suspect.
How extreme a score has to be for it to be flagged as suspicous univariately.
This has not been implemented yet.
Whether to split for the IRV, and if so, in how many parts.
The level of the heading in Markdown (the
number of #
s to include before the heading).
The name of the dataset to display (to override, if desired).
If not NULL
, the name of a column
containing the participants' response times.
The suffix to include; by default, set such that the individual participants IRP plots are placed in separate tabs.
The number of digits to round to.
How to represent missing values.
NULL, invisibly; and prints the report.
### Get the BFI data taken from the `psych` package
dat <- ufs::bfi;
### Get the variable names for the regular items
bfiVars <-
c("gender", "education", "age"));
### Inspect suspect participants, very conservatively to
### limit the output (these are 2800 participants).
carelessReport(data = dat,
items = bfiVars,
nFlags = 5);
#> Package "careless" needed for this function to work. You can install it using:
#> install.packages('careless');