This function combines a number of criteria for determining whether a datapoint is an influential case in a regression analysis. It then sum the criteria to compute an index of influentiality. A list of cases with an index of influentiality of 1 or more is then displayed, after which the regression analysis is repeated without those influantial cases. A scattermatrix is also displayed, showing the density curves of each variable, and in the scattermatrix, points that are colored depending on how influential each case is.

regrInfluential(formula, data, createPlot = TRUE)

# S3 method for regrInfluential
print(x, headingLevel = 3, ...)



The formule of the regression analysis.


The data to use for the analysis.


Whether to create the scattermatrix (requires the GGally package to be installed).


Object to print.


The number of hash symbols to prepend to the heading.


Additional arguments are passed on to the regr print function.


A regrInfluential object, which, if printed, shows the influential cases, the regression analyses repeated without those cases, and the scatter matrix.


Gjalt-Jorn Peters & Marwin Snippe

Maintainer: Gjalt-Jorn Peters


regrInfluential(mpg ~ hp, mtcars);
#> ### Influential cases:
#>               mpg  hp    dfb.1_   dfb.hp    dffit     cov.r   cook.d       hat
#> Maserati Bora  15 335 -1.128627 1.487575 1.580208 0.9791369 1.052231 0.2745929
#>               indexOfInfluentiality
#> Maserati Bora                     5

#> #### Regression analyses, repeated without influential cases
#> ##### Omitting all cases marked as influential by 5 criteria
#> Regression analysis for formula: mpg ~ hp
#> Significance test of the entire model (all predictors together):
#>   Multiple R-squared: [0.41, 0.79] (point estimate = 0.6, adjusted = 0.59)
#>   Test for significance: F[1, 30] = 45.46, p < .001
#> Raw regression coefficients (unstandardized beta values, called 'B' in SPSS):
#>             95% conf. int. estimate   se     t     p
#> (Intercept) [26.76; 33.44]    30.10 1.63 18.42 <.001
#> hp          [-0.09; -0.05]    -0.07 0.01 -6.74 <.001
#> Scaled regression coefficients (standardized beta values, called 'Beta' in SPSS):
#>             95% conf. int. estimate   se     t     p
#> (Intercept)  [-0.23; 0.23]     0.00 0.11  0.00     1
#> hp          [-1.01; -0.54]    -0.78 0.12 -6.74 <.001